What’s Behind the Label: The Hidden World of Codex Alimentarius and Jerri Husch

Who among you have heard of Codex Alimentarius?  Not many I bet.  I’d like to consider myself relatively informed, but last night’s talk was my first introduction to Codex Alimentarius.  Jerri Husch, Ph.D, our presenter is a sociologist and professor.  She was a member of the WHO/FAO evaluation team that analyzed Codex Alimentarius.  She speaks from a place of integrity, experience and deep knowledge.  Her passion is evident as well as her commitment to get her hands dirty–literally and make change happen.

So back to Codex Alimentarius. This is a very complicated, contentious and controversial organization.  It is ostensibly an organization that creates global standards for food production and safety.  Yet it is also charged with decisions about the food we eat being made on the basis of trade agreements, politics and vested interests. Read more about Codex Alimentarius on Wikipedia, and here. This video, produced by the Codex Alimentarius describes how, in their words, the process works.

And a an alternative viewpoint:

Most of the people  reading these words  are conscious about the how the choices they make affect their health and wellness.  Yet the choices we make go far beyond our personal health to “hidden implications” world wide.  These are implications on indigenous cultures,  global economies and  the environment. Case in point–Quinoa.  Quinoa is a nutrient dense grain that has become very popular among the health conscious.  Grown for centuries in the Andes, this “lost crop” of the Incas has traditionally been a staple of the diet in places like Bolivia. As demand for quinoa has exploded, some of the implications for farmers who grow it has been an increase in income.  In an effort to increase production, Bolivian farmers are abandoning traditional farming techniques which endangers the eco-system.  Due to increased demand, fewer Bolivians can now afford this grain that has been a part of their culture for centuries.  When you can no longer afford quinoa, how do you feed your family? Cheaper, processed food with little nutritional value which, in the long run is sure to have far reaching affects on health and wellness.  Here are two links that go into greater detail on the global implications of the increasing demand for quinoa:  a 2011 article from the New York Times and a 2013 article from the Huffington Post.  Another example is the devastating effects of palm oil production, (most recently highlighted in the Girl Scout cookie controversy, but found in many processed foods), on health, natural habitats, indigenous people and subsistence farmers. Read more on that here in a report by the Center for Science in the Public Interest.

So it’s good to really get a feel for some of the issues.  Beyond good, at this point, I think it is crucial, if we are to be informed, responsible consumers with not just our health in mind, but the health of the global food system as a whole.  However, knowledge brings with it a myriad of emotions ranging from disbelief to outright anger.  Individually it is hard at times to imagine that anything we do would result in real change.  But when individual band together, neighborhood, communities, cities, states and beyond begin to make very real differences that have larger, far reaching implications on the food system.  In the words of Margaret Mead:

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”

One of those ways is to grow food.  Individual, families, schools, churches, businesses.  Create sustainable, edible gardens throughout your communities.  I am going to share two TED talks that are inspiring beyond words. Two men who have created movements, changed their communities and the lives of those living in these communities. Watch them both and see what dedication, determination, drive and passion can do. An individual, leading to a small group that is changing the world.

This is just the teeny tiny tippity tip of the iceberg.  If you want to read more, these are resources recommended by Jerri.

Energy Medicine

“All medicine is essentially energy medicine, for energy composes the world.”  Cyndi Dale

At our last meeting, Eating Without Meat of the Lowcountry hosted the wonderful Alice Tobin for a discussion and demonstration of Energy Medicine. Alice, a petite woman, speaks with quiet confidence and authority.  Her passion is evident, but there is something else — a certain knowing that she possesses. A sense that she knows the ways of health and healing if only we are open to receive it. And lucky for us, she is willing to share all that she knows.

“The well-worn path of Western allopathic medicine…does not hold all the answers we need.  To achieve excellence, we must also consider and work with what is not apparent, with what cannot be seen. We must journey into the complex world of subtle energies.”

I believe that people have a hard time with energy  because it is not readily seen.  Western medicine has us trained to look for what can be easily tested, measured, analyzed or imaged.  Cyndi Dale, the author of the incredible resource The Subtle Body: An Encyclopedia of Your Energetic Anatomy states that all of reality is created from organized and changeable systems of subtle energy. We are energy.  Everything is energy. There are 3 main forms in which energy can be expressed. There are fields, such as the Auric Field which surrounds the human body. There are channels such as the Meridian system from ancient Chinese medicine that transports energy in and around the body,  and there are bodies such as the Chakras.  Interestingly, chakras appear in hundreds of cultures. Energy Medicine works to change the flow of energy in order to promote healing. According to energy healer Donna Eden, “In Energy Medicine, energy is the medicine, and energy is also the patient. You heal the body by activating its natural healing energies; you also heal the body by restoring energies that have become weak, disturbed, or out of balance.”

“Conventional medicine, at its foundation, focuses on the biochemistry of cells, tissue, and organs. Energy Medicine, at its foundation, focuses on the energy fields of the body that organize and control the growth and repair of cells, tissue, and organs. Changing impaired energy patterns may be the most efficient, least invasive way to improve the health of organs, cells, and psyche.” David Feinstein

Which brings us back to Alice Tobin. Alice is a Certified Practitioner of Eden’s Energy Medicine who has been studying with Donna Eden since 2007. She has been using traditional Chinese medicine and nutrition for over 20 years and continues to expand her knowledge in those areas . She is also a Reiki Master and Health Coach. The energy medicine that she practices utilizes techniques from all available healing traditions. Some examples are traditional Chinese medicine, Celtic weave, yoga, kinesiology, and qi gong. Alice is the owner of The Energi Center on Hilton Head Island.

Alice is offering several 2 hour workshops to teach people on energy medicine. These are hands on workshops and you will leave with an extensive array osimple and easy to follow techniques to re-pattern your energies to a state of balance and optimal flow. The first of these classes is scheduled for Monday, May 6 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM with additional workshops scheduled for June and July.

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A Golden Glow, Eating Mostly Raw and Loads to Read & Watch.

Untitled 2Last night Eating Without Meat of the Lowcountry hosted the fabulous Carla Golden from Carla Golden Wellness.  What a large turnout! For a while, we were standing room only!…..then we got more chairs.  I learned that the ship does not run as smoothly without the wonderful Cheryl.  I was so busy helping to get things set up that I did not take a single picture of the food—which as usual, was plentiful.  Something else that was quite evident, is that there is a lot of knowledge contained within our gatherings. One person may ask a question, but many will typically have an informed answer/opinion. If you are looking for a community of people with an interest in healthy meat-free eating, then Eating Without Meat of the Lowcountry is the group to hang out with. So, on to Carla Golden. She really cast a lovely Golden glow over the crowd. Carla is a wife, mother, blogger, life coach, massage therapist and so much more. She spoke to the gathering tonight about Eating Smartly on a Vegan Diet. Like most of us, her road to health and healing has been paved with potholes and missteps, but she has found her way. Reading her story you understand, that if she can find health and wholeness with all that she’s been through, anyone can. Read about her “Not-So-Sexy Road to Wellness” here.  During her talk, Carla mentioned three books that changed her relationship with food.


Many people are familiar with writer Michael Pollan. His book best selling book The Omnivore’s Dilemma is a compelling look at our food system.  You will not look at corn, soy, processed food, agriculture or factory farms the same after reading this book. There is also a young readers version of this book which you can read about here.  He is also an articulate and engaging speaker. The video below is from a 2008 presentation at UC Davis on The Omnivore’s Dilemma.


The World Peace Diet was previously an Amazon #1 bestseller. It is written by an former Zen monk named Will Tuttle. I have not read this book, but in flipping through its pages, I was at times reminded of the  mindfulness teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh as in the following passage that embodies the interconnectedness of life:

What is so simple as eating an apple? And yet, what could be more sacred or profound? When we eat an apple we are not just eating an apple as a separate thing. The apple enters us, dissolves within us, contributes to us, and becomes us. And each apple is a manifestation of so much more! We are eating of the rain and the clouds and of all the trees that have gone before to bring this tree into manifestation, and of the tears, sweat, bodies, and breaths of countless generations of animals, plants, and people that have become the rain and soil and wind that feed the apple tree.

When we look into one apple, we see the entire universe.

From Amazon:

Food is our most intimate and telling connection both with the living natural order and with our living cultural heritage. By eating the plants and animals of our earth, we literally incorporate them. It is also through this act of eating that we partake of our culture’s values and paradigms at the most primal levels. It is becoming increasingly obvious, however, that the choices we make about our food are leading to environmental degradation, enormous human health problems, and unimaginable cruelty toward our fellow creatures.
Incorporating systems theory, teachings from mythology and religions, and the human sciences, The World Peace Diet presents the outlines of a more empowering understanding of our world, based on a comprehension of the far-reaching implications of our food choices and the worldview those choices reflect and mandate. The author offers a set of universal principles for all people of conscience, from any religious tradition, that they can follow to reconnect with what we are eating, what was required to get it on our plate, and what happens after it leaves our plates.
The World Peace Diet suggests how we as a species might move our consciousness forward so that we can be more free, more intelligent, more loving, and happier in the choices we make.

Here he is speaking to Google:


The third book is the 80/10/10 Diet by Dr. Douglas Graham–who holds doctorates in Chiropractic and Natural Health. If you do any kind of research on him, you will quickly find out that he is a character. I have no idea how old he is, but he is very fit and it seems that a lot of people who follow his method are very much committed to fitness/sport–including endurance activities such as running marathons. doug-graham-3The 80/10/10 diet is a low-fat, raw, vegan diet. At least Eighty percent of the diet consists of carbs in the form of raw fruit, no more than 10% of the diet is protein  in the form of vegetables and no more than 10% fat from nuts and seeds. People who follow this diet strictly are also known as fruitarians. The amount of fruit consumed in a day can seem mind boggling. Another component of this diet is “mono meals”. A mono meal is having a single fruit as a meal, for example, 12 bananas.  You can read a short interview with Dr. Graham here where he talks a little bit about his background and how he come up with the concept. The video below by Rawfully Kristina shows a typical meal for her on the 80/10/10 diet.

I want to point out that Carla does not eat 100% by the 80/10/10 principles. As mentioned, these are the books that have simply (or maybe not so simply) informed her food journey.  She is very candid about what and how she eats and even keeps her food diary online.


There was one more book she mentioned:  Michael Pollan’s Food Rules.  Most people are familiar with this little gem of a book with simple, straight forward rules for eating wisely. Since the original was published, he has also come out with an illustrated and expanded version. For even more food rules submitted to Michael Pollan by the public, click here.

With all this talk of rules and fruit, percentages and peace….it can get more confusing before reaching clarity. I always say let your body be your guide. Eat what makes your body, mind and spirt hum. Eat what makes you feel vibrant, alive and nourished. Michael Pollan and I definitely agree on something and it is this:

eat-food-michael-pollan-quote-715And for Carla, this is for you:  FoodRules3_1200

“May we all eat well and flourish!”

Cook From Your Favorite Book–Part 2

So, it’s been a little while since I posted part one.  Part one had a link to all the the wonderful cook books that have provided sources of inspiration. In this post you will find photos of some the delicious dishes we shared and links to the recipes. I need to add some other words to my vocabulary because “delicious” does not always do these dishes justice!  Tempting, mouth-watering, delectable…. I wish I could fully convey to you to colors, the tastes, the textures, the aromas that we are treated to each month.  Cooking and eating without meat does NOT mean bland, boring or tasteless.  If you are in the South Carolina/Georgia Lowcountry, I invite you to join us and see for yourself. Some of the most talented and creative vegan-vegetarian-plant based-raw home chefs attend these gatherings. It is a true feast of the senses and the spirit.

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The Coconut-Lemon Bundt Cake recipe can be found here. It is from Veganomicon by Isa Chandra Moskowitz and Terry Hope Romero. Oat flour was substituted for the all purpose flour used in the original recipe.  The Chickpea and Eggplant Kibeh can be found here.  Note the following changes to the original recipe: The fine bulgur was increased to 3/4 cups and the cumin was increased to 1/2 teaspoon. The sesame sauce was made by thinning hummus with meyer lemon juice instead of soy milk. Mushrooms were also added. Additional recipes can be found below.

Sweet & Sour Broccoli

Stir Fried Kale

Chewy Cherry Charger Balls

If you don’t see your recipe here…fell free to email it to me and I will add it. Enjoy!

The Meaning of Community and Cook from your favorite Book- part 1

If you look up the definition of community in the dictionary, this is what you will read:  “a unified body of individuals as: the people with common interests living in a particular area.” Our community is thriving and I feel lucky to be a part of it. Last night we gathered for our first “Cook from you favorite Book” themed potluck. We welcomed familiar faces and new friends alike- over 20 people strong. Our community was humming and singing last night. Then energy was palpable. Although we gather once a month for meatless meals, it isn’t what we eat or don’t eat that unites us. Sure there are vegans, vegetarians and those who have simply adopted a plant-based diet that attend. But there are also meat eaters who may only eat meatless once a month at our gatherings. And they are warmly welcomed as well. What unites us, the common interests that we share,  in my opinion, is a commitment to our own health and well-being. Being whole, being healthy, being aware, being an active participant in our own healing…These are the things that unites us. Some of us have been on this path for a long time, some are just venturing out. But we all started from somewhere. Most of us have a story to tell—about some defining moment that shifted our world view on health and healing. And that is where we usually all begin our journey. The journey unites us. For me, Spontaneous Healing by Andrew Weil was transformative. What was your defining moment?

So, last night many of us brought our go-to cook book or one that simply had some meaning for us. Here is a pictorial list of the cook books, along with links to Amazon.com.  What are your favorite cook books?

images-6 images-7 images-8Plenty

th-7 2056220 51E6lvfbAQL._SL500_AA300_images-10Recipes to come in part 2!

Fabulous Flax


There exists a smooth, tiny brown seed which, if you don’t already include in your diet, you will after finding out how healthy and nutritious this little guy is…say ‘hello’ to Mr. Flax Seed.

Ground flaxseeds contain approximately two to three grams of total fiber (both soluble and insoluble) per tablespoon. A one-ounce (about 4 tablespoons) serving of ground flaxseed has about 8 grams of fiber. It is recommended that we consume 25-38 grams of fiber each day so go ahead and sprinkle a tablespoon or two of flaxseed meal over your yogurt, cereal, salads or in a smoothie. Aside from the fiber aiding your morning constitutional, consumption of high-fiber foods, such as flaxseeds have been linked to low rates of heart disease and atherosclerosis, and reduced cholesterol.

Not only high in fiber, but approximately 20 percent of the calories in flaxseeds are in the form of protein. One ounce or 4 tablespoons of ground flax includes 6 grams of plant protein. So, adding flax to your diet is an easy way to boost your protein consumption.

Ground flaxseed and flaxseed oil contain alpha-linolenic acid, a source of the almighty omega-3 fatty acid. Alpha-linolenic acid is an essential fatty acid. Since humans cannot produce essential fatty acids they must ingest them through their diet in order to maintain good health. They are also a rich source of complete protein which means they contain all of the essential amino acids. Flaxseeds have large amounts of vitamins and minerals, and are particularly rich in potassium and folic acid. They contain the phytochemicals lignans, phenolic acids, and flavonoids which are thought to have antioxidant, anti-cancer, and anti-inflammatory functions.


As always, try to find organic flaxseed. Our bodies are bombarded daily with toxins and it’s rather silly to add something so healthful like flax to your diet and have the seeds laden with chemicals! If you are using flaxseed oil try to find unrefined, cold-pressed flaxseed oil.


Like any nuts or oils, store your flaxseed and/or flaxseed oil in the refrigerator. You can purchase ground flaxseed meal, just make certain you keep it in the refrigerator in a tightly sealed container.


If you use flaxseed, make certain that you grind the flaxseed prior to using. A coffee mill works perfectly for this purpose. The main reason is this, the flaxseed is so tiny that if you ingest it whole it passes right through your system and you don’t gain any of the nutritional benefits of the seed; and you should grind only the amount you need so it is fresh.

Your other option when using flaxseed – I have not tried this one – is to take 4 tablespoons of flaxseeds, soak them in water for four to eight hours, strain, then chew VERY throughly without other food in the mouth.


To replace one egg take 1 tablespoon ground flaxseeds and 3 tablespoons water (or other liquid) and stir together until tick and gelatinous.

If using whole flaxseeds take 1 tablespoon whole flaxseed and
process in a blender to a fine meal, add 4 tablespoons water (or other liquid) and blend well. You can make a bigger batch by increasing the ingredient amounts. Store in the refrigerator for up to two weeks.


Granola Bars With Chocolate

Banana Almond Flax Smoothie

Apple Flax Muffins

Orzo, Lentil and Flax Soup

Healthy Pancake Mix

Cranberry-Nut Mini Loaves with Flaxseeds


Flaxseed Oil Dressing with Herbs

Three Smoothie Recipes to Brighten Your Morning

Hello Meatless Mavens!

I have a confession, back in the olden days I used to be a Breakfast Barbarian. I knew breakfast was the most important meal of my day, so I thought the bigger the better and the more carbs the merrier. Oh yes, my mornings were incomplete without a couple of eggs, bacon, maybe a pancake (or two), and white toast spread with butter and topped with blackberry jam. In fact, the blackberry jam was probably the closest I got to ‘fruit’ back in those days. But once I became a vegetarian I started actually thinking about the food I was putting into my body. I realized most the food I ate consisted of carbs and more carbs with an occasional vegetable or fruit. Ugh!

So about 5 years ago I replaced my carb-laden breakfasts with fruit smoothies. I will tell you my mornings are much brighter and I feel so much better than when I was eating the SAD breakfast. The greatest concern I had when I switched to smoothies for breakfast was that I’d be starving mid-morning. I was surprised to find that I could make it to 1 pm without feeling hungry. I think consuming such nutrient dense food was the key.

Now there are a lot of pre-made smoothies on the market looking pretty in their plastic packaging. Plus they’re such an easy and convenient way to get your recommended daily fruit intake. Why bother making your own? First and foremost when you make your own you know exactly what’s in it. Second, many of the pre-made smoothies contain added sugar, preservatives and artificial colors, and they can be expensive. Finally, when you make your own you can mix and match a variety of ingredients to suit your individual taste

The recipes below can be made with a blender. Which is a good thing ‘cuz you will retain more of the fruit fiber. I always toss in a handful of spinach for extra vitamins/minerals. The surprising thing about spinach is that it doesn’t really change the flavor. And about two weeks ago, I started adding cilantro…I know that may sound bizarre, but I’m telling you it is Super Yum

So here are three recipes I like. Try one won’t you? Tell us what you think. Or share your favorite smoothie recipe in the comments below.


¼ cup strawberries (hulled and chopped)

¼ cup raspberries

¼ cup blackberries

5 oz apple juice

Place all the fruits and juice into a blender and blend until smooth. Pour into a glass over ice. Easy peasy! Note: if you are using frozen fruit you probably don’t need to pour the mixture over ice.


2 kiwi fruit, peeled and quartered

juice of ½ lime

½ cup strawberries

4 ½ oz strawberry-flavored yogurt or soy yogurt

3 ½ oz non-dairy milk

Place the kiwi, lime juice, strawberries, yogurt and milk in blender and blend until smooth. Serve in a glass over ice.


3 cups spinach (Try it! The spinach doesn’t really alter the flavor.)

1 cup grapes

1 cup pineapple

½ cut water

Place all ingredients into blender and blend until smooth.


I have to admit, my routine gets out of whack sometimes, and I find myself either not eating or grabbing a quick and easy meal (meaning not very nutritious). Life just happens and I don’t always have the time or energy to be a good foodie. To compensate for my less-than stellar diet I add superfoods to my meals whenever possible, especially in my morning smoothie. So how can you rev up that dietary engine of yours? Try incorporating some of these superfoods into your daily regimen.


Coconut oil is a saturated fat, but it is a medium-chain fatty acid; which means it is more easily digested and utilized by the body than other saturated fats (i.e. butter, meat and eggs). Most saturated fats are stored in the body’s cells, but the fatty acids in coconut oil are sent directly to the liver where they are immediately converted into energy. It is considered a “heart healthy” fat. Coconut oil helps speed up the body’s metabolism so you burn more calories in a day which can contribute to weight loss. It also has powerful antimicrobial properties.

Add To Your Diet:

  • 1 cup to 1 cup ratio when replacing other oils/butter in recipes
  • In solid form use as a replacement for butter/Crisco/Pam when greasing pans, cookie sheets, etc.
  • In liquid form (melted) use as a replacement for various oils when baking, cooking, sauteing, etc.
  • Melt and add to smoothies for additional nutritional punch and yummy-ness

Bright and beautiful goji berries.


Goji berries are also known as wolfberries and are native to southeastern Europe and Asia. They have 500 times more vitamin C per ounce than oranges! They are an excellent source of vitamins A, B1, B2, B6 and E, contain high levels of antioxidants, and most contain a full complement of protein with 18 amino acids and 21 trace minerals. The Vitamin A, zeaxanthin, and beta-carotene found in Goji berries help protect eyesight and prevent macular degeneration. They also help lower bad cholesterol levels and protect the heart from disease. If that’s not enough, the antioxidants contained in the berries have been linked with slowing the aging process and reducing wrinkles! Goji berries are typically purchased dried and soaked in water prior to eating.

Add To Your Diet:

  • Sprinkle on salads or in soups
  • Blend into smoothies or juices
  • Eat as you would raisins

NOTE: If you take warfarin (a blood thinner), you may want to avoid goji berries. Goji berries may also interact with diabetes and blood pressure medicines.


Spirulina is a blue-green algae which was consumed for thousands of years by the Aztecs. It is a complete protein, which means it contains all eight essential amino acids and it is a great source of protein. Along with antioxidants and minerals it is rich in beta carotene, iron, B-12, Omega-3 and -6 fatty acids. Studies have shown that spirulina helps to: control blood sugar levels; maintain healthy cholesterol levels; increase energy; reduce blood pressure; and increase antioxidants in the blood. It also helps to reduce inflammation, fight allergies, support healthy digestion PH levels, and immune system function. Spirulina is available in tablet and powder form.

Add To Your Diet:

  • Sprinkle on salads, soups, ice cream or popcorn
  • Blend into smoothies or juices
  • Take as a nutritional supplement in tablet form


Wheat Grass is the sprouted grass of a wheat seed. Unlike the whole grain, because it has been sprouted, it no longer contains gluten or other common allergic agents. The above-ground blades of grass are used to make the juice. Because of its high alkaline mineral content, wheat grass helps to restore alkalinity to the blood, increase red blood-cell count and helps to lower blood pressure by dilating the blood pathways throughout the body. Wheat grass is a powerful detoxifier and contains beneficial enzymes and amino acids. It can also help to neutralize toxic substances such as cadmium, nicotine, strontium, mercury, and polyvinyl chloride.

Add To Your Diet:

  • Available commercially in powder, liquid or tablet form to be taken as a supplement
  • Wheat Grass kits are available so you can grow your own and juice at anytime

Do you supplement your diet with superfoods? If so, let us know by commenting below. We’d love to hear from you.

*Statements on this web site are not meant to diagnose, treat or cure any disease or illness. The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. You should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem.



Kale – beautiful and nutritious.

Let’s talk about kale shall we? A proud member of the cabbage family, kale is a righteous superfood just waiting to get inside your God pod and fill it full of wondrous vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

Kale packs a wicked nutritious punch. One cup raw kale has only 33 calories, no fat or cholesterol and provides 6% of your RDA for iron, 9% of calcium, 134% or Vitamin C, 206% of Vitamin A and an incredible 684% of Vitamin K! According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, consuming a diet rich in vitamin K can reduce the overall risk of developing or dying from cancer. Vitamin K is necessary for a wide variety of bodily functions, including normal blood clotting, antioxidant activity, and bone health.

Kale is also a good source of dietary fiber, protein, thiamin, riboflavin, folate, magnesium, phosphorus, Vitamin B6, potassium, copper and manganese. The fiber content of the lovely cruciferous kale binds bile acids and helps lower blood cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease, especially when kale is cooked instead of raw.

So, with all these fabulous vitamins, minerals and antioxidants you’d be crazy not to incorporate more kale into your diet! Here’s how to pick it, store it, prep it, and eat it:


When selecting go for firm, dark and richly colored leaves.


Kale is a cool weather vegetable. It can be found throughout the year in most markets, but its season runs from the middle of winter through the beginning of spring. When shopping for kale look for firm, dark and richly colored leaves (bluish-green or darker) with no yellowing or holes in the leaves. The steams should be hardy and moist. Smaller leaves tend to be more tender and have a milder flavor. In order to avoid harmful pesticides used during the growing of kale, choose organic!


Never wash kale before storing, this causes the leaves to go limp. It will last for several days in the refrigerator, but try to use it within 1 or 2 days after purchase. The longer it sits, the more bitter the leaves. Remove any excess moisture and store in an air-tight plastic bag.

Kale freezes well and actually will taste sweeter and more flavorful afterward. To freeze for a long period, blanch the leaves in boiling water for about 2 minutes, or until the leaves turn a bright green. Place in a colander and run under cold water. Remove any excess water by patting dry with a towel or set leaves out to dry in the open air. Place in freezer bags or other container. When needed, remove as many leaves as needed and thaw to room temperature.


Wash kale only when ready to eat or cook, never before.


To prepare your kale for eating wash the leaves in a sink full of water to remove any dirt. If the stems are very small and tender they can be cooked with the leaves. Stems that are thick, but still tender, can be cut off and cooked for a minute or two before leaves are added. Any thick, tough stalks should be discarded.


Quick cooking preserves kale’s nutrients, texture, color, and flavor. Chopped kale can be added to salads, soups, smoothies, stews, stir-frys, salads, casseroles or even as a topping for pizza. Substitute kale for spinach or collard greens in recipes.

  • Create a simple and delicious salad with a bunch of thinly sliced kale, red pepper, onion, raisins, and your favorite salad dressing.
  • Braise some chopped kale, add sliced apples, garnish with chopped walnuts, and add a splash of balsamic vinegar.
  • Toss whole-grain pasta with chopped kale, pine nuts, feta cheese, and a little olive oil.
  • Cover and cook a pound of chopped kale with a few garlic cloves and 2 tablespoons olive oil for 5 minutes; season with salt, pepper, and a tablespoon of red wine vinegar.


Crispy Kale Chips

North African Chickpea And Kale Soup

Summer Tomato Crostata with Kale Pesto

Sweet and Savory Kale

Kale, Carrot and Avocado Salad

Note: Kale contains oxalates, a naturally occurring substance that can interfere with the absorption of calcium. So, avoid eating calcium-rich foods like dairy at the same time as kale to prevent any problems.

*Statements on this web site are not meant to diagnose, treat or cure any disease or illness. The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. You should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem.